Birth defects and birth disorders affect millions of people every year in the world. Although a birth defect may be caused by genetic or environment factors, over sixty percent of birth defect causes are currently not known. Education on prevention, causes, and treatment is one way to help families manage birth defects.

Monday, April 7, 2008

The Importance Of Genetic Counseling While Planning A Pregnancy

Some couples who consider pregnancy planning may consider opting for genetic counseling. A genetic counselor will perform certain tests to determine if there are any risks to the couple having a baby, what those risks are, the limitations on account of the risks, the consequences it may have on the baby, and the options that are available to the couple.

A genetic counselor may perform carrier tests and screening test to evaluate the couple and the risk factor. If it turns out that both parents are carriers, each of their children has a 25% chance of inheriting the disease. Neural tube defect, spina bifida and anencephaly are detected by taking tests such as the alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) test. Heart defects, malformations of the head, face, body, limbs etc. can be discerned by an ultrasound test. Genetic and developmental disorders are detected by amniocentesis and Down’s syndrome can be detected by Chorionic villus sampling. The cost of these tests range from $100 to $2000.

Genetic counseling can help identify possible genetic disorders such as thalassemia, sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis and tay-sachs disease. Thalassemia is a blood disorder that is common among people of Mediterranean, African and Southern Asian descent. Sickle cell disease is a blood disorder that is common in African-Americans. Cystic fibrosis is a disease of the lungs and digestive system common among Caucasians. Tay-Sachs disease is a disease that causes fatal brain damage and occurs more in people of Eastern European Jewish ancestry. These tests will possibly eliminate the need to perform tests during pregnancy.

When To Consider Genetic Counseling

Physicians may recommend a visit to a genetic counselor if the age of the mother is above 35 years of age. This is because older moms are at risk of giving birth to children with problems such as Down's syndrome. If the parents are closely related, they may need genetic counseling too. If the parents have a birth defect themselves, or have a previous child with genetic defects or mental retardation, they may consider getting tested.

One of the important tasks during pre pregnancy planning could be a visit to a genetic counselor if the parents have sexually transmitted disease, a history of miscarriage or still births. Neonatal death of a previous child, physical deformity of a parent, infertility, a history of certain illness in the family etc. are other factors that require genetic counseling too.

If the parents suffered from any infections during pregnancy that may be contagious, or have a history of any disease condition such as epilepsy , early onset of heart disease, Alzheimer's or multiple sclerosis etc., they may be required to consider genetic counseling to find out if it is ok for them to go ahead and have children.

Some couples may be exposed to harmful teratogens that may require them to opt for genetic counseling. Heavy metals, radiation, solvents, fumes, toxic substances, chemicals such as pesticides etc. may cause birth defects so it is better to avoid contact with such substances from the pre pregnancy stage.

It is recommended that couples read books about the various genetic problems that may exist and the risks associated with such problems. In the event that a risk factor has been identified, you may be given a detailed analysis on how to deal with it during genetic counseling.

Genetic counseling helps to avoid pregnancy complications and pregnancy risks.

To learn more visit

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